"Membuat Kualitas melalui Kata-kata: Perjalanan Seorang Blogger ke Dunia Sistem Manajemen ISO"

What are significance ratings?

Significance ratings in an Environmental Aspect and Impact Assessment help prioritize which environmental aspects need the most attention. Here's a breakdown of how these ratings are typically determined:

Factors in Determining Significance

  1. Severity of Impact:

    • High: Major environmental damage (e.g., large-scale pollution, significant habitat destruction).
    • Medium: Moderate environmental damage (e.g., localized pollution, moderate resource depletion).
    • Low: Minor environmental damage (e.g., small-scale pollution, minimal resource use).
  2. Frequency of Occurrence:

    • Frequent: Happens regularly (e.g., daily emissions from a factory).
    • Occasional: Happens intermittently (e.g., monthly waste disposal).
    • Rare: Happens infrequently (e.g., annual maintenance activities).
  3. Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

    • High: Strict regulations and potential for significant fines or legal action.
    • Medium: Some regulations with moderate consequences.
    • Low: Few or no regulations.
  4. Stakeholder Concerns:

    • High: High level of concern from stakeholders (e.g., community protests, media attention).
    • Medium: Moderate level of concern (e.g., occasional complaints).
    • Low: Low level of concern (e.g., minimal or no complaints).
  5. Potential for Improvement:

    • High: Significant opportunities for reducing impact.
    • Medium: Some opportunities for improvement.
    • Low: Few opportunities for improvement.

Example of Significance Rating Calculation

To determine the significance, you might use a scoring system where each factor is rated on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5). The overall significance score could be calculated by summing or averaging these ratings. For instance:

  • Severity: 4 (High)
  • Frequency: 3 (Occasional)
  • Legal Requirements: 5 (High)
  • Stakeholder Concerns: 4 (High)
  • Improvement Potential: 3 (Medium)

Total Score: 19 (out of a possible 25)

Based on the total score, you can categorize the significance:

  • High Significance: 18-25
  • Medium Significance: 10-17
  • Low Significance: 1-9

This method helps prioritize actions to mitigate the most significant environmental impacts[1][2][3].

Would you like to see a specific example applied to your organization or more details on any of these factors?


Procedure for Identifying and Managing Environmental Aspects and Impacts

Procedure for Identifying and Managing Environmental Aspects and Impacts

1. Define the Scope of the EMS

  • Determine whether the Environmental Management System (EMS) will apply to the entire organization or specific units, locations, or products.

2. Identify Environmental Aspects

  • Activities: Core business processes (e.g., production steps).
  • Services: Auxiliary services supporting core activities (e.g., maintenance).
  • Products: Goods offered to the market (e.g., packaging, recyclability).

3. Evaluate Environmental Impacts

  • Assess how each identified aspect affects the environment (e.g., pollution, resource depletion).

4. Determine Significance

  • Severity of Impact: Rate the potential environmental damage (e.g., high, medium, low).
  • Frequency of Occurrence: Rate how often the aspect occurs (e.g., frequent, occasional, rare).
  • Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Rate the level of regulatory control (e.g., high, medium, low).
  • Stakeholder Concerns: Rate the level of concern from stakeholders (e.g., high, medium, low).
  • Potential for Improvement: Rate the opportunities for reducing impact (e.g., high, medium, low).
  • Calculate the total significance score and categorize the aspect (e.g., high, medium, low significance).

5. Establish Controls

  • Implement operational controls to manage significant environmental aspects (e.g., waste management procedures, emission controls).

6. Document and Review

  • Maintain a register of environmental aspects and impacts, including significance ratings.
  • Regularly review and update the register to reflect changes in activities, products, or services.

7. Training and Awareness

  • Ensure all employees are aware of the environmental aspects and impacts related to their work.
  • Provide training on the procedures and controls in place.

8. Monitor and Measure

  • Continuously monitor and measure the effectiveness of controls.
  • Conduct regular audits and reviews to ensure compliance and identify areas for improvement.

Example of Environmental Aspect and Impact Assessment

ActivityAspectImpactSignificanceControl Measures
Office OperationsEnergy ConsumptionGreenhouse Gas EmissionsModerateImplement energy-saving practices
Water UsageDepletion of Water ResourcesSignificantInstall water-efficient fixtures
Waste GenerationLandfill Contributions, Soil ContaminationModerateEnhance recycling programs
Manufacturing ProcessChemical UsageSoil and Water ContaminationHighUse safer alternatives, proper storage
EmissionsAir PollutionSignificantInstall emission control systems
Transportation of GoodsFuel ConsumptionGreenhouse Gas EmissionsModerateOptimize logistics, use fuel-efficient vehicles
NoiseNoise PollutionLowSchedule deliveries during off-peak hours

By incorporating significance ratings into your procedure, you can better prioritize and manage your environmental aspects and impacts.

Kenaikan Upah Minimum 2025: Implikasi dan Tindakan yang Harus Diambil Pemberi Kerja


Latar Belakang: Pada bulan Oktober 2024, Mahkamah Konstitusi Indonesia mengeluarkan Putusan No. 168/PUU-XII/2023 sebagai tanggapan atas petisi uji materiil terhadap Undang-Undang No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Putusan ini mencakup ketentuan mengenai upah minimum. Menindaklanjuti putusan tersebut, Menteri Ketenagakerjaan menerbitkan Peraturan No. 16 tahun 2024 tentang Penetapan Upah Minimum Tahun 2025, yang menetapkan kenaikan upah minimum nasional sebesar 6,5%.

Tujuan Artikel: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menginformasikan para pemberi kerja tentang implikasi kenaikan upah minimum 6,5% pada tahun 2025 dan langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil untuk menghadapinya.

Implikasi Kenaikan Upah Minimum

  1. Dampak Ekonomi

    • Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Kenaikan upah minimum dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan meningkatkan daya beli pekerja. Peningkatan daya beli ini diharapkan dapat mendorong konsumsi domestik, yang merupakan salah satu pilar utama pertumbuhan ekonomi.
    • Inflasi: Di sisi lain, kenaikan upah minimum juga berpotensi meningkatkan inflasi. Peningkatan biaya produksi akibat kenaikan upah dapat diteruskan ke harga barang dan jasa, yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan tingkat inflasi.
  2. Dampak pada Bisnis

    • Biaya Operasional: Kenaikan upah minimum akan meningkatkan biaya tenaga kerja, yang merupakan salah satu komponen utama biaya operasional perusahaan. Pemberi kerja perlu mempertimbangkan bagaimana kenaikan ini akan mempengaruhi profitabilitas mereka.
    • Daya Saing: Untuk tetap kompetitif, perusahaan perlu mencari cara untuk mengimbangi kenaikan biaya tenaga kerja. Ini bisa melibatkan peningkatan efisiensi operasional atau inovasi dalam proses bisnis.
  3. Dampak pada Pekerja

    • Kesejahteraan Pekerja: Kenaikan upah minimum diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan standar hidup pekerja. Peningkatan pendapatan dapat membantu pekerja memenuhi kebutuhan dasar mereka dengan lebih baik.
    • Motivasi dan Produktivitas: Peningkatan upah juga dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan produktivitas pekerja. Pekerja yang merasa dihargai cenderung lebih termotivasi dan produktif dalam pekerjaan mereka.

Tindakan yang Harus Diambil Pemberi Kerja

  1. Evaluasi Strategi Bisnis

    • Penyesuaian Anggaran: Pemberi kerja perlu mengalokasikan anggaran untuk menutupi kenaikan upah. Ini mungkin memerlukan penyesuaian dalam anggaran tahunan dan perencanaan keuangan jangka panjang.
    • Efisiensi Operasional: Mencari cara untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dapat membantu mengurangi dampak kenaikan biaya tenaga kerja. Ini bisa melibatkan otomatisasi proses, pengurangan limbah, atau peningkatan produktivitas.
  2. Komunikasi dengan Pekerja

    • Transparansi: Mengkomunikasikan perubahan upah secara jelas dan terbuka kepada pekerja sangat penting. Pekerja perlu memahami alasan di balik kenaikan upah dan bagaimana hal ini akan mempengaruhi mereka.
    • Keterlibatan Pekerja: Melibatkan pekerja dalam proses penyesuaian dapat meningkatkan penerimaan dan kerjasama. Pemberi kerja dapat mengadakan pertemuan atau diskusi untuk mendengarkan masukan dari pekerja.
  3. Konsultasi dengan Ahli

    • Konsultasi Hukum: Memastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan baru dengan berkonsultasi pada ahli hukum sangat penting. Ini akan membantu pemberi kerja memahami kewajiban hukum mereka dan menghindari sanksi.
    • Konsultasi Keuangan: Mendapatkan saran dari ahli keuangan dapat membantu pemberi kerja mengelola dampak finansial dari kenaikan upah. Ahli keuangan dapat memberikan strategi untuk mengoptimalkan anggaran dan menjaga kesehatan keuangan perusahaan.

Timeline Implementasi UMP 2025

  1. Pengumuman Resmi UMP 2025: 11 Desember 2024
  2. Pengumuman Resmi UMK 2025: 18 Desember 2024
  3. Pemberlakuan Upah Minimum 2025: 1 Januari 2025

Rumusan Kenaikan Upah Minimum

Rumus perhitungan upah minimum yang baru adalah sebagai berikut: 

Upah Minimum 2025 = Upah Minimum 2024 + 6.5% Upah Minimum 2024

Dasar Hukum

  1. Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 168/PUU-XII/2023: Putusan ini mencakup ketentuan mengenai upah minimum dan menjadi dasar hukum bagi perubahan peraturan terkait upah minimum.
  2. Peraturan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan No. 16 Tahun 2024: Peraturan ini menetapkan kenaikan upah minimum nasional sebesar 6,5% untuk tahun 2025 dan mengatur mekanisme penetapannya.

Studi Kasus

Contoh Perusahaan: Sebagai contoh, perusahaan manufaktur di Jawa Timur berhasil mengelola kenaikan upah minimum sebelumnya dengan meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dan mengadopsi teknologi baru. Perusahaan ini juga mengadakan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pekerja, yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan produktivitas.

Pelajaran yang Dipetik: Dari studi kasus ini, perusahaan lain dapat belajar bahwa investasi dalam teknologi dan pelatihan pekerja dapat membantu mengimbangi kenaikan biaya tenaga kerja. Selain itu, keterlibatan pekerja dalam proses penyesuaian dapat meningkatkan penerimaan dan kerjasama.


Ringkasan Poin Utama: Kenaikan upah minimum 6,5% pada tahun 2025 memiliki implikasi signifikan bagi ekonomi, bisnis, dan pekerja. Pemberi kerja perlu mengambil langkah-langkah proaktif untuk mengelola dampak kenaikan ini, termasuk evaluasi strategi bisnis, komunikasi dengan pekerja, dan konsultasi dengan ahli.

Pernyataan Penutup: Persiapan dan penyesuaian yang tepat sangat penting untuk menghadapi kenaikan upah minimum. Dengan langkah-langkah yang tepat, pemberi kerja dapat memastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan baru dan menjaga daya saing bisnis mereka.


  • Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 168/PUU-XII/2023
  • Peraturan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan No. 16 Tahun 2024
  • Sumber berita terkait dari Antara News dan Hukumonline

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan memberikan wawasan yang mendalam tentang implikasi kenaikan upah minimum 2025 serta tindakan yang harus diambil oleh pemberi kerja. 

Chemical Handling and Storage Procedure

Chemical Handling and Storage Procedure


  • Prevent personal harm or damage caused by hazardous chemicals.
  • Protect employees who work with or handle these chemicals.


  • Applies to the site.

Performance Criteria:

  • Monitor incidents/accidents related to hazardous chemicals.
  • Ensure the effectiveness of preventive procedures.


  • The head of department and the site operation supervisor are responsible for following the outlined procedures.


  • Follow ISO 45001, ISO 14001.

Activities and Responsibilities:

  1. Follow Safety Rules:
    • Shared responsibility between employees and supervisors.
  2. Label Containers Properly:
    • Employees and supervisors ensure correct labeling.
  3. Store Chemicals Safely:
    • Proper storage practices shared by employees and supervisors.
  4. Handle Chemicals with Care:
    • Responsibility of both employees and supervisors.
  5. Dispose of Chemicals Properly:
    • Employees and supervisors manage proper disposal.
  6. Handle Emergencies Appropriately:
    • Joint responsibility for responding to chemical emergencies.
  7. Follow Established Procedures and Maintain Good Housekeeping Standards:
    • Both employees and supervisors adhere to procedures.

Detailed Procedure:

Chemical Management Program:

  • Implement at all Schneider Electric sites handling hazardous chemicals.
  • Comply with local, provincial, and national regulations.
  • Requirements include:
    • Accessible Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all hazardous chemicals.
    • Properly labeled containers with chemical names and hazard warnings.
    • Compliance with Global Harmonization Standard (GHS) and relevant regulations.
    • Address non-routine chemical tasks with Pre-job Prevention Plans.
    • Label extensive piping containing chemicals or hazards.
    • Maintain a chemical inventory.
    • Prohibit hazardous devices or substances on company premises.
    • Minimize use of compressed gas cylinders.
    • Maintain communication with suppliers regarding SDS.

Chemical Review:

  • Safety officer reviews all proposed chemicals.

Employee Training:

  • General awareness training for safe chemical use and handling.
  • Emergency Response Team members respond to hazardous material releases.

Regular Checks:

  • Annually verify compliance with local, state/provincial, and national regulations.

What are the legal implications of ignoring them?

Ignoring high-risk issues identified during Health & Safety inspections can have serious legal implications for a company. Here are some potential consequences:

1. Fines and Penalties

Regulatory bodies, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States or similar organizations in other countries, can impose significant fines and penalties for non-compliance with safety regulations. These fines can be substantial, especially for repeated or severe violations.

2. Legal Liability

If an employee is injured or becomes ill due to unsafe working conditions, the company can be held legally liable. This can result in costly lawsuits, compensation claims, and legal fees. In some cases, company executives or managers may also face personal liability.

3. Criminal Charges

In extreme cases where negligence leads to severe injury or death, company officials could face criminal charges. This can result in imprisonment for those found responsible for gross negligence or willful violations of safety laws.

4. Increased Insurance Premiums

Ignoring safety issues can lead to higher workplace injury rates, which in turn can increase the company's workers' compensation insurance premiums. Insurers may also refuse to cover certain incidents if they result from known safety violations.

5. Business Disruption

Regulatory authorities may order the shutdown of operations until safety issues are resolved. This can lead to significant business disruptions, loss of productivity, and financial losses.

6. Reputational Damage

A company's reputation can suffer greatly if it is found to be neglecting employee safety. This can lead to loss of business, difficulty in attracting and retaining employees, and damage to relationships with clients and partners.

7. Compliance Orders

Regulatory bodies can issue compliance orders requiring the company to take specific actions to rectify safety issues. Failure to comply with these orders can result in further legal action and penalties.

8. Employee Morale and Retention

Ignoring safety issues can lead to low employee morale and high turnover rates. Employees are less likely to stay with a company that does not prioritize their safety, leading to increased recruitment and training costs.

9. Regulatory Scrutiny

Once a company is found to be non-compliant, it may face increased scrutiny from regulatory bodies. This can result in more frequent inspections and audits, adding to the administrative burden and potential for further penalties.

10. Civil Litigation

In addition to regulatory fines and penalties, companies may face civil litigation from employees, contractors, or even customers affected by unsafe conditions. This can result in substantial financial settlements and legal costs.

Examples of Legal Implications

  • OSHA Violations: In the U.S., OSHA can impose fines ranging from thousands to millions of dollars depending on the severity and frequency of violations.
  • Corporate Manslaughter: In the UK, companies can be prosecuted under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 if gross negligence leads to a fatality.
  • Environmental Regulations: Violations of environmental safety regulations can result in fines, cleanup costs, and legal action from environmental protection agencies.

Addressing high-risk issues promptly and maintaining compliance with safety regulations is essential to avoid these legal implications and ensure a safe working environment. 

Examples of high-risk issues

High-risk issues are those that have a high potential for causing serious injury, illness, or even death, and are likely to occur if not addressed promptly. Here are some examples of high-risk issues commonly found during Health & Safety inspections:

1. Electrical Hazards

  • Exposed Wiring: Damaged or exposed electrical wires that could lead to electric shocks or fires.
  • Overloaded Circuits: Electrical outlets and circuits overloaded with too many devices, increasing the risk of fire.

2. Machinery and Equipment

  • Missing Safety Guards: Machinery operating without necessary safety guards, posing a risk of severe injury.
  • Improper Lockout/Tagout Procedures: Failure to follow proper lockout/tagout procedures during maintenance, leading to accidental startup and injury.

3. Fall Hazards

  • Unprotected Heights: Work areas at heights without proper fall protection, such as guardrails or safety harnesses.
  • Unsafe Ladders/Scaffolding: Damaged or improperly used ladders and scaffolding that could collapse or cause falls.

4. Chemical Hazards

  • Improper Storage: Hazardous chemicals stored incorrectly, increasing the risk of spills, fires, or toxic exposure.
  • Lack of PPE: Employees handling hazardous chemicals without appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

5. Fire Safety

  • Blocked Fire Exits: Emergency exits that are blocked or not clearly marked, hindering evacuation during a fire.
  • Non-Functional Fire Alarms: Fire alarms that are not operational or regularly tested, delaying emergency response.

6. Confined Spaces

  • Inadequate Ventilation: Confined spaces without proper ventilation, leading to the accumulation of toxic gases.
  • Lack of Rescue Plan: No established rescue plan for workers entering confined spaces, increasing the risk of fatalities in emergencies.

7. Ergonomic Hazards

  • Poor Workstation Setup: Workstations that are not ergonomically designed, leading to repetitive strain injuries or musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Manual Handling: Employees lifting heavy objects without proper techniques or equipment, risking back injuries.

8. Structural Hazards

  • Weak Structures: Buildings or structures with compromised integrity, posing a risk of collapse.
  • Unstable Loads: Improperly secured loads that could shift or fall, causing injury.

9. Biological Hazards

  • Exposure to Pathogens: Employees exposed to harmful biological agents, such as bacteria or viruses, without adequate protection.
  • Poor Sanitation: Inadequate sanitation facilities, increasing the risk of disease transmission.

10. Emergency Preparedness

  • Lack of Emergency Plans: Absence of clear emergency plans and procedures, leading to confusion and delayed response during emergencies.
  • Inadequate Training: Employees not trained in emergency response, first aid, or fire fighting, reducing the effectiveness of emergency actions.

Addressing these high-risk issues promptly is essential to prevent serious incidents and ensure a safe working environment. Regular inspections and immediate corrective actions can significantly reduce the likelihood of these hazards causing harm.

How to prioritize issues found during inspections?

Prioritizing issues found during Health & Safety inspections is crucial for addressing the most critical risks first and ensuring a safe workplace. Here’s a systematic approach to prioritizing these issues:

1. Assess the Severity of the Issue

Evaluate the potential impact of each issue on health and safety:

  • High Severity: Issues that could result in serious injury, illness, or death.
  • Medium Severity: Issues that could cause moderate injury or illness.
  • Low Severity: Issues that are unlikely to cause significant harm but still need attention.

2. Evaluate the Likelihood of Occurrence

Determine how likely it is that the issue will lead to an incident:

  • High Likelihood: Issues that are very likely to occur if not addressed.
  • Medium Likelihood: Issues that could occur under certain conditions.
  • Low Likelihood: Issues that are unlikely to occur but still pose a risk.

3. Use a Risk Matrix

Combine the severity and likelihood to prioritize issues using a risk matrix:

  • High Risk: High severity and high likelihood. These issues should be addressed immediately.
  • Medium Risk: Either high severity with low likelihood or low severity with high likelihood. These issues should be addressed as soon as possible.
  • Low Risk: Low severity and low likelihood. These issues can be scheduled for later attention but should not be ignored.

4. Consider Regulatory Compliance

Identify issues that are non-compliant with legal or regulatory requirements:

  • Non-Compliance: Issues that violate safety regulations or standards should be prioritized to avoid legal consequences and ensure compliance.

5. Evaluate the Frequency of the Issue

Consider how often the issue occurs:

  • Frequent Issues: Problems that occur regularly may indicate systemic issues and should be prioritized.
  • Infrequent Issues: Problems that occur rarely but still need to be addressed to prevent future occurrences.

6. Assess the Resources Required

Determine the resources needed to address each issue:

  • High Resource Demand: Issues that require significant time, money, or personnel should be planned carefully.
  • Low Resource Demand: Issues that can be resolved quickly and with minimal resources should be addressed promptly.

7. Impact on Operations

Evaluate how the issue affects overall operations:

  • High Impact: Issues that disrupt operations significantly should be prioritized.
  • Low Impact: Issues with minimal operational impact can be scheduled for later.

8. Employee Concerns

Consider feedback from employees:

  • High Concern: Issues frequently raised by employees should be prioritized to maintain morale and trust.
  • Low Concern: Issues that are less concerning to employees but still need attention.

9. Develop an Action Plan

Create a plan to address the prioritized issues:

  • Immediate Actions: For high-risk issues, implement corrective actions immediately.
  • Short-Term Actions: For medium-risk issues, schedule corrective actions in the near future.
  • Long-Term Actions: For low-risk issues, plan for corrective actions over a longer period.

10. Monitor and Review

Regularly review the status of the issues and the effectiveness of the corrective actions:

  • Follow-Up Inspections: Conduct follow-up inspections to ensure issues have been resolved.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use the findings to improve safety procedures and prevent future issues.

By following this structured approach, you can effectively prioritize and address the issues found during Health & Safety inspections, ensuring a safer workplace for everyone.