A sample procedure for Emergency Preparedness and Response (Clause 8.2) for ISO 45001 compliance.
Here's a sample procedure for Emergency Preparedness and Response (Clause 8.2) for ISO 45001 compliance:
Procedure for Emergency Preparedness and Response
1. Purpose
To establish and maintain procedures to identify potential emergency situations and respond effectively to incidents to minimize OH&S risks.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors at [Your Company Name].
3. Responsibilities
- OH&S Manager: Develops and maintains the emergency preparedness and response plan.
- Department Heads: Ensure their teams are trained and aware of emergency procedures.
- Employees: Follow emergency procedures and participate in drills.
4. Procedure
4.1 Identification of Potential Emergency Situations
- Conduct risk assessments to identify potential emergency scenarios (e.g., fire, chemical spill, natural disasters).
- Document identified risks and update regularly.
4.2 Emergency Response Plan
- Develop an emergency response plan that includes:
- Emergency contact numbers.
- Evacuation routes and assembly points.
- Roles and responsibilities during an emergency.
- Procedures for specific emergencies (e.g., fire, medical emergencies).
4.3 Communication
- Ensure all employees are aware of the emergency response plan.
- Display emergency contact numbers and evacuation routes prominently.
- Use multiple communication channels (e.g., emails, posters, training sessions).
4.4 Training and Drills
- Conduct regular training sessions for employees on emergency procedures.
- Organize emergency drills at least twice a year to test the effectiveness of the response plan.
- Document the outcomes of drills and identify areas for improvement.
4.5 Emergency Equipment
- Ensure availability and maintenance of emergency equipment (e.g., fire extinguishers, first aid kits).
- Regularly inspect and test emergency equipment.
4.6 Review and Improvement
- Review the emergency response plan annually or after any incident.
- Update the plan based on feedback from drills and actual emergencies.
- Record all incidents and corrective actions taken.
5. Records
- Risk assessment reports.
- Emergency response plan.
- Training records.
- Drill reports and improvement actions.
- Incident reports and corrective actions.
6. References
- ISO 45001:2018 Clause 8.2
- [Your Company Name] OH&S Policy
Feel free to customize this procedure to fit the specific needs and context of your organization.
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